Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Web in Plain Sight


I don't know a way to put this without sounding corny, but it needs to be said; life is amazingly beautiful and precious when one slows down and chooses to notice (or PLORE).

This photo was taken right outside my house when my father and I arrived home, greeted by a magnificent work of nature.

In case you need a reminder (or you can't scroll down to my first post), PLORE stands for: Predicting, Locating, Organizing, Remembering, and Evaluating. The photo above stands for locating and evaluating. Locating may seem like an obvious choice, but many of us don't put our fast-paced lives on hold to recognize and value simple treasures. There is so much to locate when our eyes aren't fixed. I chose evaluating because although locating is the first step, we must evaluate, or take into consideration of what we are beholding. Doing a "double-take" sometimes and focusing on the essence of the subject can make a world of difference.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to be reminded to slow down and look around. Spiders are amazing - they must have an incredible sense of space to be able to build such perfect webs, not to mention the fact they have the ability to create the thread to do it! Great photo!
